Wildlands Restoration Volunteers

Youth Leadership

Youth volunteer with treeWRV’s Youth Leadership Program gives youth a chance to take their stewardship skills to the next level. WRV youth leaders participate in ongoing skill-building and community-building opportunities over the course of the season. Youth can choose from several pathways to leadership, from High School Crew Leader training to an annual leadership summit to participating in the WRV Youth Leadership Development (WYLD) Program. Youth leaders:

· Learn advanced restoration skills

· Lead youth and adults on stewardship projects

· Participate with old friends and make new ones

· Learn about careers in natural resources from professionals in the field

· Build their resumes

· Fulfill service-learning and volunteer requirements

· Explore Colorado’s beautiful public lands while giving back

To learn more about the year-long WYLD Program, click here.

To learn more about the annual Youth Exploring Stewardship Conference on October 5th and 6th at Cal-Wood, visit the YES Coalition website.

To find out about leadership trainings open to youth and adults, visit our trainings page.

Ready to boss around adults and make an impact? Email Kevin Pierce, Youth and Family Project Coordinator to learn more about getting involved.

“I am incredibly proud of everything I’ve accomplished over the past few years…I’ve learned about leadership and how to form a community from a common interest. Most importantly, I’ve created unforgettable friendships.” – 2018 WYLD Participant