Wildlands Restoration Volunteers


Become a WRV volunteer leader!

Trained volunteer leaders make everything we do at WRV possible. You can lead a crew, cook, manage tools, help with project management, or help us with your first aid or photography skills. Bring your skills with you or learn with us. WRV offers leadership and technical training, as well as mentoring by experienced leaders. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. The desire to be a leader is the only requirement.

Training content varies by role. However, all trainees learn basic risk assessment and tool safety and practice leadership skills like conflict resolution and group facilitation through the Outdoor Stewardship Institute. Trainees also participate in trainings designed to provide an introduction to diversity, equity, and inclusion so that they have the skills as leaders to facilitate an inclusive and accessible environment.

As you gain experience or if you come to us already with a more specialized background, you can also help design restoration solutions, scout project sites, or monitor the success of restoration projects.

Read about our various leader roles below, and view our upcoming trainings and sign up today!

WRV Leader Roles

Crew Leaders motivate, guide, and instruct small groups of volunteers in effective, safe and enjoyable ecological restoration projects. More

The Cook Team helps create a healthy menu that fits the budget, number of helping hands, vegetarian needs, and food safety requirements. More

Tool Managers select, organize, transport, and manage tools and equipment for projects and return them to WRV clean and organized. More

Project Leaders ensure that everything is taken care of prior to and during the project, taking full advantage of the talents of the entire team. More

Technical Advisors clarify the project’s technical goals, create a work plan, and communicate these needs to crew leaders. More

Volunteers with First Aid Training are certified Wilderness First Responders, EMTs, RNs or doctors who help prevent injuries and administer appropriate emergency care. More

Youth Leadership provides opportunities to young people, from High School Crew Leader training to the WRV Youth Leadership Development (WYLD) Program. More

Related Roles

Leadership Assistants are a great way to try out a role by doing, particularly project leaders and technical advisors. Each leader and their assistant work out the division of effort for each project.

Photographers & Videographers capture before and after shots of our progress as well as the joy and satisfaction of the volunteers in order to document our accomplishments and recruit for future projects.

Project Hosts greet and check-in volunteers and may also educate the public about the volunteers’ work that day. This is a great way to get involved with WRV’s mission if the physical work is too demanding.

Agency Contact is a staff position with the sponsor land management agency who communicates the agency’s goals and requirements. More

WRV Staff Liaison (WSL, pronounced “whistle”) is a staff position that supports the volunteer leadership team in accomplishing WRV’s mission and goals. Meet our WSLs

Leader Resources